Tear Down The Flagship - Start Something

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Track Research

Protest The Hero - Bloodmeat

In my mind this is a music video which is very important to analyse as instead of having a separate narrative and performance based video it interweaves the two together. It does this very well and a lot of atomosphere is created through the darkness and the carefully placed lighting. The setting seems to be inside a plain warehouse which has been spruced up with homely props. For example, the lamp shades cleverly provide atomospheric lighting while also being a great edition to the general mise-en-scene of the scene.

The performance aspect to this video is also very interesting and a lot can be drawn from it which we could implement in to our own music video. The band are not standing in the standard formation of singer at the front, guitars/bass at either side and drummer at the back. Instead we have an interesting layout where all the guitars and bass players are standing at the side in a line with the drummer opposite them and the singer in the middle towards the back of the room. While this sounds uncoventional for this genre what this allows for is a better and more interesting use of the camera. With the space now created in the middle the camera can now get up close and personal with each and every member of the band. The space can also be used for members of the band (mostly the singer in the video) to come in to the middle and be the 'star' so to speak. The side on view we often get from the guitarists is also refreshing as when cutting to them playing complex riffs we see a lot more of the guitars which is interesting for the viewer.

The performance of the band members is also another important aspect of the video to note. The guitar players are not moving all over the place, rather, standing still. They head banging with the music in certain parts of the song (heavier, chord parts) and in other more complex parts they concentrate on what they are playing. They instead of just going mental and putting everything they can in to performing with over the top eccentricity feel the music and react accordingly with the song. The singer, however, is always moving and constantly performing what he sings and since he is on screen for the most amount of time this brings a real energy to the video.

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